Photo Tips:
Getting ready for your Picture Day! Here are some tips:
Have your order form filled out and ready to go!
- See “Order Form FAQ”
What to wear?
- The uniform/outfit that your athletes participates in. Please include all pertinent pieces for the photo (matching items such as belts, socks, ball caps, etc.)
What NOT to wear?
- If your athlete is going to wear accessory items with their uniform like clothing underneath, headbands, jewelry; please make sure these do not “distract” from the photo. Make sure colors match or compliment. Accessories should flatter the subject, not become the main focus of attention (I.E. sunglasses, oversize headbands or necklaces)
Knowledge is power!
- Inform your athlete ahead of time if you have specific instructions or preferences for their photo. Smile vs. no smile. Taking their photo with siblings. Photo must be taken to hide a scar, cast on the arm, bad hair day. Your athlete is more than welcome to share these things with the photographer to ensure we are taking care of his/her specific needs.
What pose do I use for my photo?
- Great question, very simple answer. The photographer or assistant will instruct your athlete very clearly on this at the shoot. Please be mindful these are sports photos and not a lengthy session. Our goal is an amazing photo and we will work tirelessly to that end, however there will certainly be a strict schedule that will need to be maintained. You are welcome to be creative, but please be ready to go when it is his/her photo time. There are also specific products that require unique or multiple photos (CD, ST, WC), you will know ahead of time if ordering these, make sure your athlete knows what you are looking for and all will be well.